Welcome to the Best Coast Biking Blog! Over the last few years, a ton of people have come to us for tips on bike touring, and to ask for advice on how to bike down the Pacific Coast Bike Route. And we love it!

Our goal is to encourage more people to bike the coast, so however that happens is good with us. Because so many people have reached out asking for bike touring advice, we wanted to create a place where anyone can come to get good information about bike touring (and specifically on the west coast). Hence the new blog.
Expect to see articles with packing lists, our favorite gear, our bike setup, info about our favorite spots on the best coast, and some fun stories from the road. Hope you can find some useful, or at least fun, information on here, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions or want to know more on a particular topic!
At the very least, we hope this blog inspires you to get on a bike and maybe even start planning your next bike adventure down the west coast. Hey, they don’t call it the best coast for nothing ;)
Sarah and Daniel
